ZoomedXL is an award winning delivery service that operates in all 50 states. We offer part time and full time delivery services with competitive weekly compensation that offers flexible opportunities. We are leading small package and delivery organizations know the right delivery drivers on delivering value to their communities –families and homes. can have a vital impact
Our company is focused on the mutual respect of our team members and an atmosphere that makes people proud to work here – where everyone makes a difference. We look for the highest quality people to work together to provide the best-in-class delivery services and we also provide medical deliveries and On-demand delivery.
Printce Gall
Founder CEO
Worldwide Clients
Worldwide Branche
Benefits of ZoomedXL services
Affordable Cost
ZoomedXL offers affordable cost for all products
Shot Time Delivery
ZoomedXL offers fast and reliable delivery services
Tracking Moving
ZoomedXL offers fast and reliable delivery services
Customer Support
ZoomedXL offers 24/7 customers support & service
ZoomedXL is Committed to Delivery parcel Safely
Request Your Services
You can sign up for ZoomedXL's on-demand delivery service through our app or website by creating an account and providing your contact and payment information. Furthermore depending on the service your signing up for you may be redirected to our onboarding partners website to upload more documents for verification.
On-demand delivery is a service that enables customers to receive their orders from various businesses within a short timeframe. Customers place their orders through an app or website, and delivery personnel pick up the items from the business and deliver them directly to the customer. ZoomedXL also offers routed delivery for local retailers with surplus volume.
We accept most major credit and debit cards, as well as digital payment methods such as PayPal, Apple Pay, and Google Pay.
You can contact customer service through our app or website by clicking on the "Contact Us" button and filling out the contact form, or by emailing us directly at support@zoomedxl.com.